Democracy Campaign 3


Fill in the Blank Campaign

Many eligible student voters are only aware of the impact of national elections, but are uninformed when it comes to the impact of local politics.

When hearing, “orange you glad I didn’t say ________?”, the natural impulse is to respond with “bananas”. As humans, our brains are drawn to interact with objects by filling in the missing information. Thus, our strategy was to create an interactive campaign that would provoke college students to “Fill in the Blank” about the impact of local politics.

Team: Gabby Cox, Abby Carmichael, Francis Bedells, Haley Pierce

Click here to view the creative brief.

Click the image to take a closer look at two print concepts.


Magazine Spread

Many students are unaware that most libraries are funded by their local government. The Polaroid-inspired theme offers an immersive feel that allows viewers to imagine themselves within the frame.

Click the image to take a closer look.


Poster Print

While the Polaroid-inspired look offers an immersive element to the campaign, it also makes it easily transferable to different targeted locations across campus.

Click the image to take a closer look.


Environmental Integration

Not only does the campaign allow for various location-specific images, but also allows for interchangeable mediums that maintain the immersive theme.

Click the image to take a closer look at a few more interactive concepts.


Interactive Elements

In keeping with the Polaroid motif, a cut-out frame encourages students to fill in their own blanks and actively participate with the campaign. Students can snap a quick picture of the cut-out in a location of their choice, and upload it with the given hashtag to their social media.


Democracy Campaign 2 - Ridiculous Laws