Democracy Campaign 1


Ridiculous Laws Campaign


Hot-button debates over current social issues tend to discourage young voters from wanting to take part in the political conversation because they feel uninformed, that their vote has no impact on change, or they have no faith in the U.S. voting system.

While one person is unlikely to swing a national election, we want to make it clear that individual votes can make a difference. A vote is a voice, and all voices deserve to be heard - even the ridiculous ones.

Team: Gabby Cox, Abby Carmichael, Haley Pierce, Francis Bedells

Click here to view the creative brief.

Click the image above to take a closer look at several print concepts.


Digital Print

It turns out that not all public policy issues end in polarizing political debates. Registering to vote could eventually allow Hoosiers to enjoy happy hour legally again.

Click the image above to take a closer look.


Magazine Print

If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that some laws need revision. Ridiculous laws are sure to grab the attention of young voters, despite lack of enforcement.

Click the image above to take a closer look at more poster concepts.


Poster Print Series

Many young people are too overwhelmed by the current intense polarization of the political atmosphere, or feel uninterested in debates over hot-button public policy issues. If the ridiculousness of these state laws is not alarming enough, a poster of a monkey smoking a cigarette is sure to grab attention of future voters.


Instagram Carousel

Whether you prefer fishing with friends, or taking relaxing baths in the winter, the illustrative style of each graphic makes the campaign easily transferable to an Instagram carousel post for followers to repost to their own stories, or share with their friends.


Release Your Inner Mangia Campaign


Democracy Campaign 3 - Fill in the Blank